Showing category "Athletics" (Show all posts)

My Return to Polevault: Part 1

Posted by Kim Saha on Saturday, November 10, 2018, In : Athletics 
I grew up in athletics. After trying all the typical activities like ballet, gymnastics, brownies etc. I tagged along with my older sister to a local athletics club. After a failed training session at the larger Hull club (never take me there again!) we tried Hull Spartans which was a small athletics club closer to home with a Cinder track  I loved it. My coach Mr T was an athletics enthusiast who’d married the sport. Fast forward 10 years and he would be coming to our house for Christmas D...

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Pilates for Athletes

Posted by Kim Saha on Thursday, June 2, 2016, In : Athletics 
Firstly I bet each and every coach has been told their athletes need to do Pilates and every athlete has been told at some point in their career that Pilates would help either after injury or to enhance performance.

I also believe that most of you have resisted doing it! and I don't blame you!! I have been a serious athlete and have been a physiotherapist for as long as I remember and I have certainly questioned its place and effectiveness within elite sport. 

So... why did I doubt it? 

Before d...
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