Showing Tag: "mum" (Show all posts)

Post Natal Fitness

Posted by Kim Saha on Saturday, July 21, 2018,



When is it safe to start regaining your fitness after having a baby? 


It is safe to exercise from 6 weeks postnatal after your GP check. Although these initial stages are just extensions of everyday movements so shouldn’t cause any problems with your body, however if you do feel anything you are unsure about then you should go and get it checked by your GP or better still a physiotherapist.  


Why is it important to regain fitness after having a baby? 


Once you’ve had a...

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Post Natal Goals

Posted by Kim Saha on Saturday, April 29, 2017, In : Pre and post-natal 


As physiotherapist, ex-athlete, fitness professional and mum of 3 I’m very practiced at goal setting when it comes to my multiple journeys back to fitness and that of my clients. You’re probably familiar with the concept of SMART goals, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. This structure can be applied to the return to fitness and the post natal journey.


Your goal should be something you want to achieve… something you feel strongly...

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