Showing Tag: "workout" (Show all posts)

How return from a foot / ankle injury fitter than before!

Posted by Kim Saha on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, In : Post-op advice 

By Kim Saha: International Sports Physiotherapist 

Yes it is possible to stay fit, motivated and driven with a foot and ankle injury or surgery. There is PLENTY to keep you occupied! My new course 'Stay Fit with a Foot and ankle Injury' will give you complete guidance throughout. Go to (copy into browser). All advice and pictures are taken from this course. 

This article describes how to keep yourself psychologically moti...

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How a physio keeps fit with a foot / ankle injury!

Posted by Kim Saha on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, In : Post-op advice 

What does a Physio and Fintness Instructor do when she gets Injured? 

So when I fell down the stairs and twisted my foot underneath me I was devistated. I had 3 kids to get to school, a jam packed day of  Pilates classes, HiiT classes, Physio appointments, home chores, relatives staying and more!

The first things that went through my head were those people who walk around on a broken foot and then later find it’s complicated things them doing so. I quickly realised I had way too much on t...

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Fitness Whilst Travelling

Posted by Kim Saha on Saturday, May 14, 2016,
Many people I treat travel with work and it seems to be a real issue with maintaining fitness. Routine is a very important factor that encourages people to maintain regular exercise and regular exercise is the key to getting fit, staying fit and loosing weight.

So if you travel a lot then it may be a good idea to introduce some hiit workouts without the use of equipment that can be done anywhere.

HiiT - Pilates is a workout that has 2 elements... The HiiT element is a high intensity exercise wh...
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What is HiiT - Pilates and Why do it...

Posted by Kim Saha on Monday, April 25, 2016, In : Fitness 

What Is HiiT Pilates?
HiiT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. When I first heard of HiiT Pilates it made me think of some form of manic high speed pilates class with flailing arms and legs. As tempting as that sounds - that is not the case at all. 

HiT-Pilates combines the High Intensity Exercises for 30 seconds with a Lower Intensity Pilates Exercise in the 'rest' period . The Pilates Exercise helps to align the body and engage the core for the next High Intensity Ex...

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